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Sealing Gaskets Digital CNC Cutting Machine

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Sealing Gaskets Digital CNC Cutting Machine

CNC gasket cutting machine is a new type of gasket cutting equipment. Compared with traditional cutting methods, it has the following advantages and is popular in the gasket industry.

No mold

The gasket cutting machine does not require a mold. It only needs to import the CAD drawings into the computer and then automatically cut it. Automated cutting directly saves a lot of time and cost.


Save material

Nesting software can be automatically nested according to the width of the material, no manual nesting is required, and after extensive testing, automatic nesting of graphics saves >10% of material compared to manual work.

Good versatility

The gaskets cutting machine is suitable for gasketing of silicone gasket, rubber gasket, graphite gasket, asbestos gasket, non-asbestos gasket, PTFE gasket, etc.


High precise

Sealing gaskets require high precision for cutting, and if there is a serious error, a good sealing effect cannot be achieved. The sealing gasket is processed by punching, and there is a case where the cutting edge is collapsed, and the gasket CNC cutting machine fixes the material on the work surface by the vacuum adsorption system during the cutting process, without any pressure during the cutting process, and the cutting precision is high.


Gasket cutting machines are easy to operate and can work 24 hours a day, reducing the dependence of production on labor and reducing production costs.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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