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PVC Reflective Film CNC Cutting Machine

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PVC Reflective Film CNC Cutting Machine

Applications of Reflective Film

Reflective film, as a novel reflective material, is widely used in the field of traffic safety, personal safety protection and advertising decoration. Such as road traffic signs, vehicle number plates, safety service advertising signs.

The traditional cutting method of Reflective Film

The traditional cutting process of reflective film is mainly die-cutting and manual cutting.

Die cutting according to the required product shape into a mold through the mold will be reflective film forming, this way is only suitable for a single graphic mass production, but each shape of the product needs a corresponding mold, so high efficiency at the same time the production cost is high.

Although manual cutting can cut arbitrary shapes, the efficiency is very low, and the accuracy can not be guaranteed.

Advantages of film cutting machine

The reflective film cutting machine can select drag knife tool and kiss cut tools to cut reflective film according to the cutting needs.

The advantages of comparing laser cutting machines mainly lie in the following points:

1. Speed and accuracy: The film cutting machine is equipped with the rack drive structure and the Panasonic private service system, which can achieve high speed while achieving high precision

2. Lower production costs: The PVC cutting machine can cut any shape and any size of the graphics, not limited by the mold, greatly reducing the production cost

3. High efficiency: The PVC film cutting machine has the function of automatic feeding, automatic feeding and continuous cutting after cutting, saving labor while improving production efficiency

4. CCD position cutting: For some advertising or traffic signs that have already been painted, the CNC film cutting machine can be used with a CCD camera for positioning edge cutting.

5. Combination cutting: An important process in traffic signs or advertising signs is the combination of splicing. The reflective film of different colors is cut into different sizes and shapes according to the needs, and then pasted together in order and coated. The film CNC cutting machine can use the Kiss cut tool to cut the graphics that need to be combined in advance, and then use the drag knife tool to cut the outer contour background through, and then manually combine, which is impossible to achieve die-cutting

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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