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Industrial Rubber Gasket CNC Cutting Machine

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Industrial Rubber Gasket CNC Cutting Machine

Application of rubber gasket cutting machine

Rubber gaskets play a vital role in the industry. It ensures that fluids and air do not leak out of the system or seep into sensitive internal components. Rubber gaskets are widely used in machinery, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automobiles, and other industries.

Rubber gasket cutting machine compared with manual cutting gasket, the use of rubber gasket cutting machine cutting time is short, cutting accuracy is high so that you can make otherwise impossible cuts.

CNC gasket cutting machine can cut asbestos rubber, neoprene rubber, EPDM rubber, aramid rubber, nitrile rubber, etc. In addition to rubber, it can also cut silicone, asbestos, graphite, PTFE, and other sealing gaskets.


Hydraulic presses are still the mainstream equipment in the gasket industry. Hydraulic presses have high production efficiency and are suitable for large-scale production. The CNC knife cutting machine is ideal for small-batch, customized processing. Hydraulic presses must make molds. Even if you want to process a gasket, you need to make a mold first. Therefore, small-batch production has problems such as long mold opening cycle, high mold cost, and complex mold storage. The gasket making machine is a CNC cutting machine that cuts according to CAD graphics. You only need to design the CAD electronic graphics and import them into the gasket cutter machine to automatically cut. It can be cut very simply and quickly. And you only need to store the graphics on the computer.


Process of gasket cutting machine

1. setup and calibration of the machine. Depending on the type of gasket material, the type of tool, blade type, and blade thickness required may be different. Correct selection is required before cutting. The machine is calibrated for cutting. Accurate setting is crucial to the cutting effect.

2. Import cutting patterns to the industrial gasket cutting machine via our professional software and optimize pattern placement. This maximizes material utilization. Save materials and reduce costs.


3. Place the material on the cutting table of the gasket sheet cutting machine. The cutting table is vacuum-adsorbed, and the vacuum pump is used to suck air to form negative pressure to fix the material. This method of fixing materials is automatic and convenient, and the materials are fixed evenly and can perfectly fix the materials. Ensure that the material will not move during the cutting processThis ensures accuracy and avoids defects.


4. Start the gasket cutter and start cutting. It stops automatically after cutting is completed. Collect the finished products on the table, clean the scraps off the table, and then put new materials on to continue cutting. If your cutting machine is equipped with an automatic feeding table, the conveyor belt can automatically complete the unloading and loading process

If you want to know more about the machine, welcome to contact us.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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