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Industrial PET Felt Acoustic Panel Cutting And Grooving Machine

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Industrial PET Felt Acoustic Panel Cutting And Grooving Machine

The PET felt cutting machine with a beveling function has many advantages and operation points when cutting and grooving polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels:

1. Equipment advantages:

High accuracy: The accuracy of the PET felt cutting machine is around 0.1mm. It can accurately cut and groove the polyester fiber panels according to the designed drawings. This will ensure the accuracy and straightness of the cutting pieces. So that the cut pieces are accurate in size and easy to install and splice.

High efficiency: the cutting speed of the acoustic panel cutting machine is much faster than the manual cutting way. The cutting machine for felt can replace 4 - 6 workers. it will greatly improve the work efficiency, shorten the production time, and save labor costs.

Flexible processing: The felt cutting machine can cut any shape, including straight cutting, curve cutting, beveling, and grooving. polyester fiber panels need to be cut into different shapes, such as U-shaped grooving, V-shaped grooving, etc. The industrial felt cutting machine can meet these need perfectly.


Safety and environmental protection: The CNC knife cutting machine replaces the manual cutting way. It avoids the risk of injury to the operator during the cutting process. meanwhile, no harmful substances such as smoke and dust will be generated during the cutting process. So the machine is harmless to the environment and the health of operators.

2. Key points of operation:

Material fix: The acoustic panel is firmly fixed on the worktable of the PET panels cutting machine by vacuum adsorption. This will prevent the board from moving or shaking during the cutting process which affects the cutting accuracy.

Tool selection: According to the thickness of the felt and the process requirements, select the right knife blade and bevel blade. For normally PET felt straight cutting, a vibration knife is enough. For the pieces that need to be beveled, ensure that the angle and sharpness of the bevel knife is right.


parameters setting: According to the felt hardness, thickness, and cutting requirements, set the right cutting speed, cutting depth, and bevel angle. The cutting speed should not be too fast to avoid uneven cutting edges or damage to the board. the cutting depth should be moderate to ensure that the slot can be completely cut and the board cannot be penetrated.

Cutting order: When cutting and grooving, it is recommended to bevel and groove first, then do the straight cutting. This way can better ensure the accuracy and quality of cutting. For complex graphics and grooving designs, reasonable layout and planning are required to make full use of the board and reduce waste.

Post-cutting processing: After cutting, check and clean the cutting edge to remove burrs, debris, and other impurities . If the felts needs to be further processed or installed, it can be processed accordingly according to the actual situation.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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