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How CNC Machine Cut And Groove Polyester Fiber PET Felt

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How CNC machine cut and groove polyester fiber PET felt

how the CNC knife cutting machine cut and slots PET felt acoustic panels? the following is the working process:

1. Preparation: Load the PET felt panel on the work table of the PET felt cutting machine. The worktable is a vacuum adsorption table. It will fix the board during cutting to prevent the material from moving and damaging the material or affecting the accuracy.

2. Adjust tool: Select the right blade according to the cutting shape and material thickness. Then install the blade on the cutting tool.

3. Set parameters: Set the right parameters on the control panel of the polyester cutting machine according to the material and designs, such as cutting speed and depth.

4. Cutting: Start the polyester fiber cutting machine and cut through the felt. During the cutting process, keep the tool fixed well to avoid shaking or offset.


5. Slotting: A special slotting tool is necessary if needed to groove the polyester fiber felt. Install the slotting tool on the polyester felt cutting machine. Set the slotting depth and angle. Then, the slotting tool cuts along the position where the grooves are designed.


6. Cleaning: After the cutting process, move the cutting tool to the rear. Then collect the cutting pieces and clean up debris on the worktable.

In order to avoid damage to the acoustic felt cutting machine, reduce the consumption of accessories and ensure the safety of the staff, please carefully learn the machine's operating procedures and precautions from the supplier.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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