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EPE Foam Sheet CNC Cutting Machine

Views: 289     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-06-20      Origin: Site

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EPE Foam Packing CNC Cutting Machine

EPE foam is a new type of environmentally friendly packaging material with high-strength cushioning and shock resistance.

The EPE foam cutting machine is a CNC cutting machine, different work cutter heads and blades can selected according to different materials and process requirement, realizing the multi-purpose use of one machine. The foam cutting machine is a professional flexible material cutting machine.


The CNC foam cutting machine is a CNC cutting machine, the work is controlled by the motion control system, and there is a professional human-machine exchange system, the CAD drawings of cutting graphics into the machine, and then the speed and other parameters are simply set, the machine can automatically cut processing, so this is an intelligent cutting machine.


The foam CNC cutting machine has two working cutter head, milling tool for cutting opaque linings , oscillating knife cutter head is used to cut the material through, vibrating knife cutting machine can achieve EPE foam lining one molding, no need to make a die or glue.


The foam sheet cutting machine vibrates up and down when cutting, vibrating tens of thousands of times per minute, no powder is produced when cutting materials, oscillating knife cutting machine can freely replace the knife head, Choose different cutting tools according to different materials. Foam CNC cutting machine uses knife blades cut foam material like EVA foam, EPE foam, sponge and etc. The max cutting thickness is 100mm.


The edge cut by the vibrating knife is smooth and beautiful without burrs,our foam CNC cutting machines save labor in the production process,high precision. Welcome to contact us and learn more about the EPE foam cutting machine.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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