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CNC Leather Cutting Machine With Auto Feeding Table

Views: 342     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-05-20      Origin: Site

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CNC Leather Cutting Machine With Auto Feeding Table

The operating principle of the leather cutting machine with an auto feeding table in cutting leather involves the following steps:

 1. The material to be cut, such as synthetic leather, is loaded into the CNC leather cutting machine table through the auto feeding conveyor. This table ensures that the material is fed uniformly and consistently across the cutting area.


 2. A sharp blade is mounted onto the oscillating knife. The knife vibrates at high speed, creating a powerful and precise cutting action. The oscillating motion helps to ensure that the knife slices through the material evenly and consistently.

 3. Once the knife has made contact with the material, it cuts through it, creating a clean and precise cut. The thickness and texture of the leather can affect the cutting speed and depth of the knife's movement, which may require adjustments to the machine's settings or knife type.

 4. after the material is cut, the auto feeding table continues to feed additional material onto the table, allowing for seamless and efficient production.

 5. After the entire piece of leather has been cut, the auto feeding table will send the pieces forward, and then you can collect the pieces in front of the table.

Overall, the leather CNC cutting machine with an auto feeding table is a highly efficient and precise tool for cutting leather. Its ability to handle a wide range of materials, along with its consistent cutting action and ease of use, make it a popular choice for manufacturers and designers who need to produce leather products on a regular basis.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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