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Carbon Fiber Prepregs cloth CNC Cutting Machine

Views: 401     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-09-16      Origin: Site

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Carbon Fiber Prepregs cloth CNC Cutting Machine

Applications of carbon fiber

Carbon fiber prepreg has the characteristics of high strength, high modulus, and low density, and is often used in industrial fields, aerospace, automobile manufacturing, sporting goods, and construction fields.

The traditional processing method of carbon fiber prepreg cloth is cut by hand with knives or saws.

Manual cutting is only suitable for small sizes, the simple shape of prepreg cloth cutting, cutting, and cutting effect varies from person to person, and cutting accuracy is difficult to guarantee. The sawing machine cutting is only suitable for large sizes and simple shapes of prepreg cloth cutting, it can not cut small sizes or complex shape graphics. The efficiency of both processing methods is very low.


Advantage of prepreg cutting machine

The carbon fiber cutting machine uses oscillating knife to achieve perfect cutting.

The advantages of comparing traditional methods mainly lie in the following points:

1. The prepregs cutting machine has higher cutting efficiency.

2. The prepreg cutting machine can cut graphics of any size and shape only with CAD drawings.


3. Prepreg cutter machine has better cutting results, The size and shape of the same cut are completely unified, the cutting precision is extremely high, and the cutting effect will not vary from person to person.

4. For a large number of small-size special-shaped graphics processing, it can be matched with automatic nesting software, is efficient, and saves materials.

5. And the carbon fiber cloth cutting machine is equipped with an automatic feeding function, which greatly improves production efficiency and saves labor.

6. The prepregs cloth cutting machine will not damage the material, will not produce dust, more environmentally friendly.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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