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Automatic Clothing Fabric CNC Cutting Machine

Views: 291     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-02-18      Origin: Site

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Automatic Clothing Fabric CNC Cutting Machine

The automatic fabric cutting machine is a kind of intelligent cutting machine. Simply input the product drawings into the machine, and the machine can achieve intelligent cutting.

With the automatic feeding system, intelligent control system, and other technical means, the rapid positioning and accurate cutting of the cloth cutting point are realized, which greatly improves the production efficiency and cutting quality.


1. Efficient

The cloth cutting machine adopts automatic feeding system, which can realize the rapid positioning and automatic cutting of the cloth, and the rolling material can also be continuously cut, which greatly improves the production efficiency.

In the same cutting task, compared to the laser cutting machine, the cutting speed of the equipment is 5-8 times faster. Greatly improve the production efficiency.

The machine can also recognize electronic patterns from the computer and can easily complete any shape and design.


2. Precision

The fabric CNC cutting machine uses Japanese Panasonic or Yaskawa servo motors and drives. High cutting precision, good stability.

With red light positioning function, the cutting path and cutting range can be accurately displayed before cutting, greatly improving the accuracy of cutting positioning.

3, safe and reliable

The four corners of the machine are equipped with emergency stop buttons for protection. In the case of miscutting, the four-corner emergency stop switch can be used to force shutdown and reduce losses.

The clothing cutting machine cuts with a knife, does not burn, and has clean and smooth edges. To protect workers from unpleasant fumes and odors.

4, strong applicability

The automatic fabric cutting machine can not only cut cotton, non-woven fabrics, and other conventional materials of cloth, but also cut a variety of high-grade materials, such as silk, and so on. The cutting surface is smooth, with no raw edge, and no color difference. In addition, the machine can also cut a variety of custom patterns or pattern cutouts according to your requirements.

Typical cases: clothing, footwear, toys, bags, campsites, car seat cutting, car seat cloth embroidery, special-shaped trademarks, airbags, clothing leather patterns, etc.


The cloth cutting machine has multiple advantages such as high efficiency, accuracy, safety and reliability, and strong applicability, especially in terms of quality stability is better than other cutting methods. In the field of textile production and processing, he plays a key role. With the continuous improvement of technology, the clothing cutting machine is also updated and iterated under the research and development of our technical team. I hope our machines can bring you practical benefits.

If you want to know more about the machine, please contact us.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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