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Artificial Turf Carpet Cutting Machine

Views: 287     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-08      Origin: Site

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Applications of artificial turf

Artificial turf velvet has high density and durability and is widely used in football fields, baseball fields, rugby fields, indoor golf courses, and garden landscapes.

The traditional cutting method of Artificial turf

The traditional processing method of artificial turf is to cut by hand. People cut by hand with knives electric cutting scissors or linear cutters. The biggest drawback of this processing method is low efficiency and high labor costs. This can only cut a single straight line or square, and can not cut special-shaped graphics.

Advantage of artificial turf cutting machine

The artificial turf cutting machine can choose a 400W oscillation tool or servo round knife to cut according to the bottom material of synthetic turf.

1. Speed and accuracy: The carpet cutting machine is controlled by servo motors, the cutting speed is fast, and the rack transmission structure makes cutting precision higher.

2. Operating system: The artificial grass cutting machine software is simple and easy to operate, greatly simplifying the processing process. It supports a variety of formats of drawing files and a variety of design software docking.

3. Labor saving: As long as send the cutting file into the machine, press the start button, the machine will automatically cut, and after the cutting is completed, it will automatically feed, and then automatically continuous cutting again, which greatly improves production efficiency, and does not require manual intervention


4. Special-shaped graph cutting: Without the limitations of manual cutting, the carpets cutting machine machine can cut graphics of any shape and size, and the cutting effect is the same, and the cutting effect will not vary from person to person. The graphics processing of special shapes is incomparable to manual cutting.

5. safety: The four corners of the machine are equipped with emergency stop control switches, and the beam is equipped with anti-collision switches to prevent personnel injury, which greatly improves the safety of the production process.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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